Boom Zoom
by Muruga Booker
Winner of a 2020 Detroit Music Award for Outstanding World Music Recording!
Musart/Media Stream producer and engineer Jef Stevens bought a miniature zoom tape recorder with a Built-in stereo microphone and we decided to try it out and record a live drum solo album with it, like the old jazz stereo recordings with a figure 8 configuration.
3 things need to happen:
You need a good acoustical room to play in, which the late Bob Dennis designed for us at Stage Ct.
You need to mix the sound as you're playing, so the drummer needs to mix exactly how he wants the sound to be while performing the music.
The engineer needs to place the digital recorder with the two stereo mics in the proper acoustical placement to get a full round sound to record the full drum set sound.
We were amazed to see the sound that we got.
This is Drum Boom Zoom. A real joy to do:
Work to it. Trance to it. Meditate to it.
Released 2020